Sunday, August 11, 2013

Reading the future

Whenever we get to that annual time of reflection between December 26 and about January know, the one with all the "YEAR IN REVIEW" and resolutions and stuff?...I always play a sort of game with myself.  I ask myself, "What have I done this year/What has happened that I would have thought absolutely impossible at this time last year?"  Answers to that question for 2012 included writing an 80-page lab report and participating an a charity bike ride.  It's always really cool to see the random twists and turns that life makes, especially the unexpected ones.  So far, 2013 isn't going to disappoint.

Even since school ended for the summer, I've been surprised a few times.  I never would have thought that I would start working as a marketer, and I never thought that I would take up martial arts, but it's been really exciting to take advantage of some new opportunities that I'd like to tell you about.  

First, I had been looking for ways to get more involved in the David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah.  I got an email soliciting applications for positions in a business club called Business Leaders Incorporated, or BLInc. for short.  I sent in my résumé with little expectation of getting an interview (they have interviews because positions within BLInc. are "hired" just as in a corporation), but I was pleased when they called me to schedule one.  I didn't feel that I knocked the interview out of the park, per se, but I did feel good about it.  I told myself, "At least I got to practice my interviewing skills."  Shortly after, though, I was floored when they called and actually selected me.  An even bigger surprise though was the position they selected me for: Marketing Vice-Chair.  I know some about marketing, but I definitely wouldn't call it my biggest strength.  In the meetings we've been having, though, I've found that I will be working with some incredible people, and we have some pretty exciting things planned.  It'll be quite the unexpected adventure.  And, if you're reading this and you're a student in the DESB, let me know.  I'd love to tell you more about BLInc.

Second, who has heard of Krav Maga?  I hadn't until my friend Sterling posted on Facebook about wanting to go to classes.  I was looking for something to do that particular night, so I figured it might be an interesting experience.  Come to find out that Krav Maga means Contact Combat in Hebrew.  It's a system of martial arts developed in Israel, and it is meant as a system of self-defense that can apply to any situation.  I didn't really plan on going to multiple training sessions when I went to the first one, but it turns out I actually kind of liked it.  Who knew?  Like BLInc, I've met some amazing people there as well, especially our teacher, Kat.  It's a lot of work, and I have a ton to learn, but it's definitely worth it.

Sure, there are many clichés about not knowing what the future holds, but isn't that the exciting (and simultaneously terrifying) part?  And, with graduation and more coming in the near-ish future...(no, graduation can't come fast enough)...I say bring it on.

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