Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Conference (Part 1)

When I was thinking of starting a blog, my thoughts weren't to create a blog where I would constantly post religious commentary, but I wanted to have a place to share my thoughts...sort of like a journal that I'm OK with you reading.  Well, my religion is certainly on my mind a lot, so it's inevitable that I'm going to talk about it sometimes, so I make no apologies.  I plan to treat my blog as if you don't know anything about my religion, or what we believe or do.  If I leave a hole, feel free to ask me anything.
Twice a year, the LDS Church has a conference for everyone in the world who wants to take the time to listen to what its leaders feel is important and relevant for mankind's general well-being.  This Conference, which is prepared and presented with the help of divine inspiration, invites everybody to do and become better people, to love and serve others and to come closer to our Savior, Jesus Christ.  For me, these conferences have provided me with countless little things that have guided and enriched my life over the course of many years.
Music is naturally part of this event.  I'm pretty sure that everyone would agree with me that this is because music is one of the most effective forms of worship.  After all, according to scripture, this is how our Heavenly Father views music.  It's that time of year now that various musical groups are preparing to participate in the April Conference.  Of course, the world famous Mormon Tabernacle Choir will sing, but usually there are a few other choirs, too.
Last Sunday, I went to the first rehearsal to be a part of the choir that will sing at the Priesthood Session (the session that all of the men of the Church go to).  There will be 384 of us in a men's choir.  I can't tell you how excited I was!  The last time I sang in a men's choir was 2006 (shout-out to the awesome guys of Phenix), and apparently I've forgotten just how powerful a men's chorus can be.  Now, I'm not an overly-emotional person (funny stories about that will probably be shared down the line), but the power of the music really touched me while we were simply sight-reading our songs.  I'll have updates in the coming weeks if you want them, but I know participating in this choir is one of the better decisions I've made in a while.
On the subject of Conference, I wanted to post a few of my favorite Conference quotes, but in the interest of not overloading this post, I'll make it a "part 2" in the next day or two.

PS...This might be connected to how I feel this week, but I miss Washington a lot more than normal these past few days.  This is not helped by the fact that my computer just started playing the hymn "Each Life that Touches Ours for Good."  I miss and love you all, and hopefully I can see you soon.

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