Sunday, February 12, 2012

Who I am...

Welcome to my blog!  My name's Shawn, and I'll be here to try to post a few thoughts and feelings about who I am and things that I think are important.  In trying to think of how to introduce myself to you, I tried thinking of some labels that fit me--like little brother, roller coaster enthusiast, student, LDS, etc--but nothing really ever fit because it always seemed that there was more to it than that.  If I tried to introduce myself with a label, I would inevitable miss something about myself that I consider important.  At that point, I remembered a phrase from my past.
In high school, I played the piano on a team of 5 pianists, and, as we were trying to pick a name for our team under the supervision of our teacher, we were introduced to a term that was new to a few of us.  It is a musical marking, which means "with passion and with intensity."  Its literal translation from Italian is "with fire."  Since then, I have looked forward to finding this musical direction in pieces that I have learned because it acts as a signal that I could really open up and pound pure power out of my piano.  It was a signal that I could have a lot of fun with what I was playing.
Recently, I came to realize that this little phrase has really come to describe my personality and lifestyle.  Don't be confused...I am incredibly shy and quiet when you meet me, however anybody who knows me well (and I mean really knows me well) knows that I live my life with intensity and with fire.  Yes, I sometimes feel inadequate (like when starting a blog...)...yes, I sometimes feel lonely...yes, I do stumble, but that's not who I am.
So, by means of introduction....My name is Shawn, and I work, study, play and live con fuoco.


  1. "Roller coaster enthusiast" gets 2 thumbs up!

  2. I love you, Shawn. I'm so glad we're friends. Welcome to the blog sphere! I can't wait to read more :D. xoxo
